_underjoy's LN 14th dan
Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - (_underjoy) [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)]
Requirement: Pass
Mode =
Mania,Accuracy ≥ 97%,Not Played with NoFail / Easy / HalfTime / 5K / 6K / 7K / 8K / Random / Target / 9K / KeyCoop / 1K / 3K / 2K mod(s),Must played with ScoreV2 mod, Requirement: No Pause
Meet all requirements in Pass,
No Pause
Qualified Scores
User | Beatmap | Score |
錦木千束 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)] | id=548476 (acc=97.968%, score=897,579) |
U5d | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)] | id=1046876 (acc=97.788%, score=889,976) |
_Ripple_ | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)] | id=1589927 (acc=97.661%, score=905,438) |
BanditHeeler | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)] | id=1634727 (acc=98.136%, score=921,399) |
Starry | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - FINAL - [14th Dan - Yami (Marathon)] | id=1914491 (acc=97.401%, score=891,514) |