_underjoy's LN 6th dan
Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - (_underjoy) [6th Dan (Marathon)]
Requirement: Pass
Mode =
Mania,Accuracy ≥ 97%,Not Played with NoFail / Easy / HalfTime / 5K / 6K / 7K / 8K / Random / Target / 9K / KeyCoop / 1K / 3K / 2K mod(s),Must played with ScoreV2 mod, Requirement: No Pause
Meet all requirements in Pass,
No Pause
Qualified Scores
User | Beatmap | Score |
cirno_0 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=52074 (acc=97.097%, score=849,820) |
弦渝弦渝咸 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=71939 (acc=97.492%, score=871,622) |
Hakozaki Serika | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=94292 (acc=99.795%, score=980,900) |
千早愛音 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=98429 (acc=97.295%, score=861,286) |
娜娜米 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=99119 (acc=97.358%, score=863,995) |
[GB]dotdot | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=165064 (acc=99.665%, score=972,854) |
葉月ゆら | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=217410 (acc=98.617%, score=918,953) |
B妹妹 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=219852 (acc=97.063%, score=847,390) |
艾拉 | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=284533 (acc=97.188%, score=858,787) |
かんざき まなみ | Various Artists - 4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Level 2 - [6th Dan (Marathon)] | id=355549 (acc=98.602%, score=925,755) |