Wild 7K Dan Course 9th Dan

tyrcs's 7K 9th Dan songlist: -45 - The ArcticLight kurenaissance - LivedaM 猫叉L.E.D.Master+ - Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs- Feryquitous feat. 藍月なくる - 乖離光 (cut) (1.35x)

Requirement: Pass

Mode = maniaMania,
Accuracy ≥ 96%,
Not Played with NoFail / Easy / HalfTime / 4K / 5K / 6K / 8K / Random / Target / 9K / KeyCoop / 1K / 3K / 2K mod(s),
Beatmap MD5 = d5aa2b07a05c3b625298648a224bd4e3
OrBeatmap ID = 3923978 on Bancho

Requirement: No Pause

Meet all requirements in Pass,
No Pause

Qualified Scores


User Beatmap Score

No Pause

User Beatmap Score